Whilst 800k Federal Employees were sent home on Furlough , these turkeys , preened and patted each other on the back , as if they were doing something to EARN the salaries that the US Taxpayer pays them! Oh yes , these turkeys were being paid their normal Salary , to entertain us with their shenanigans , whilst the decent Voting Public were being treated like toys , to be tossed out of the pram , when the ELECTED President wouldn't allow REPEAL of the ACA Law that they FOUGHT an Election over , after they failed in the Supreme Court in their bid to have it repealed .
Several individuals behaved like they were Somali Pirates , holding to Ransom the US Federal Government , others could have been recruited to the Taliban & Al queereda and done less damage to the USA's reputation abroad !
So currently we have the semblence of a deal , since Senator ted cruz , has said he will not " phillybuster "? Big of him to let the USA get back to some semblence of financial order , perhaps even the rest of the World? Does he think that he has done a good job ? Done what he was elected to do ? When will he realise that what he set out to do would be catostrophic for the man in the street ? Another fat cat , with his snout in the gravy , who has lost track of reality !
Watching the Major News Networks these past weeks , you will have seen the man in the street , being treated with a cavalier disregard . So many US Citizens continue to " live hand to mouth " , through the behaviour of the big Banks in the 2008 Financial Disaster . Politicians are so careless with the truth , fitting facts to suit their requirements . Seems some of them " VOTE Laws " , thinking that they can change their position at a later date ?

Having been to the " Statue of Liberty " in 1994 , i am aware that there are so many " Businesses " that are WHOLLY reliant on the " business as usual " to earn an income , PAY THEIR BILLS !
Only today , i saw an excerpt on the news of people in France , they were there for one purpose ONLY ! To visit the D Day Cemetaries ! Even in Washington there were Veterans trying to visit Monuments , being turned away ! THESE People in most cases had to make choices to even get to these places . In many cases they would have had to budget for years to set aside the monies for the expenses on these trips . Some would have had to eliminate the normal daily treats , so as to have the monies to visit the graves of Family , Friends , Comrades or honour the memory of US Forces lost in the fight for Liberty ?
These visits in some cases were irretrievably lost . Imagine being on a miserable Pension , saving for years to be in France , on an Anniversary , then arriving to find the gates LOCKED , because an overfed , bloated elected official in Congress , decided that he is going to grandstand , in the hope he will force the ELECTED President to allow Laws Voted and challenged in the Supreme Court , to be defunded ? One young lady found herself at the gates of a French Cemetary and stated on TV , for the world to hear , that she will NEVER vote Republican in the future ! A dying Swede and an Englishman were also shown in the same report . When will any of these people be able to make a return trip , to pay their respects ?
Was amused to hear in the first week that the WHITE HOUSE telephone was on an Automatic Loop Message " WE ARE CLOSED "! Not for me to repeat how many sectors of the US Government was closed , but it was interesting to note that in the first week , there was a " Lockdown Incident " on Capitol Hill and a number of the responding Law Enforcement Officers were on UNPAID Service . What would happen if they died in that situation ?

Watching the White House Spokesman , Jay Carney , in a " presser " of 40 minutes trying to deal with questions , left me feeling that the whole matter is not resolved and it was pertinent that he said , NO Plans were in place to recall " Furloughed Workers "!
Just supposing that the House of Reps votes the plan , that is IF the Senate goes first , and cruz doesn't stick a " phillybuster " , then we may avoid the WHOLE WORLD finding out the consequences of the reckless disregard , some of Congress has to their fellows ?
With a December 13th deadline for Budget Negotiations , there is definitely the opportunity for a repeat performance . Good Intentions are easily reported , making the deal work remains to be seen . Politics will see each of the combatants fighting like spoiled children during the next couple of months .
With so many people having lost income since the 1st October , it would be surprising if any of those furloughed were planning a Christmas like past years ? Most likely this Christmas will be very dismal , as people do their best to survive the festive season , knowing that more problems lis ahead in 2014 ! How many seasonal workers that survive from paycheck to paycheck , will be able to find work this season ? So many business owners will be reluctant to open their doors to excess staff until the money is in their cash drawers , but then it will be too late for many ?
During the past weeks , whilst people were losing their incomes , thus perhaps even unable to pay their mortgages & rents , there were others losing the opportunities to avoid DEATH :
To see that this lady is only one of the 200+ each week that were denied HOPE , is shocking enough , BUT , there are many OTHER Programs that would have been similarly impacted , some opportunities will have been lost for ever !
Some of my recent tweets , most recent first :
@SenatorReid @SpeakerBoehner Don't ignore the DAMAGE to peoples LIVES http://www.huffingtonpost.com/iemichelle-langbehn/help-me-fight-cancer-and-_b_4099077.html?utm_hp_ref=tw … Vets & TROOPS Families deserve NO Jan REPEAT!
@SenatorReid @SpeakerBoehner Fat Lady yet to sing ! Furloughed workers on Bread & Water at XMAS if Congress carries on in this SHAMEFUL WAY!
Unemployed Captain William Swenson(MoH) can now look forward to a REPEAT of #govshutdown in Jan14 if @speakerboehner is still in Congress!
@SpeakerBoehner So U give goahead for Budget to mid Jan14 & Debt Ceiling to mid Feb ? Do you think FED Workers will enjoy XMAS spending up?
@speakerboehner Out of BED? Hope photo is not way you behave today? TIME you thought of VETS! They SERVED their FOLK! pic.twitter.com/LprefcL1kZ